News & Media

Nov 24th

New Competition Secretaries

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Welcome aboard to Allan Taylor and Claire Walsh who have kindly volunteered their time to join the ranks of the Competitions Secretaries, supporting swimmers, coaches and parents with entries to the ever expanding and diversifying list of Open Meets and competitions.
The eagle eyed among you will have already spotted Allan and Claire’s handsome head shots adorning the Competitions Page of the website.
We’re extremely grateful to both for stepping forward to help us,in this growing band of volunteers, supporting all of you and are confident that you will give Allan and Claire your full support and appreciation.
There are plenty more opportunities to help out in the areas handled by the team; maintaining the Hytek database, supporting coaches in development of Competition Plans, collating and processing Open Meet entries, and collating and processing time trial results and liaising with ASA in the all-important task of getting those results onto Rankings.
It really is a case of ‘the more the merrier’ since ‘many hands make light work’. If you have some time available and would like to help out in some capacity, don’t hesitate to speak to any of the Competition Secretaries and we will gladly find a role for you.