Email Address
Squad etc
Reason for Booking
Dates for Booking
Day of Week of Booking eg Mon to Sun
Time booking to Start
Time booking to End
Please answer yes/no to the following:
SPECTRUM: Ice box 3 to 5 (for large groups or combinations of this for smaller groups) YesNo
SPECTRUM: 1 or 2 for up to 6 people YesNo
SPECTRUM: Club Room – not regularly available YesNo
SSP: World Cup/Varsity Suite suitable for large groups YesNo
BENCH: Restrictive set upYesNo
What set up would you like for the room, please state: boardroom style; theatre style or give details of other:
How many people will be attending the meeting
If you require tables how many:
Do you require any specific equipment: laptop to TV. If Yes please add to box below. YesNo
Please prove you are human