Dear Members
We are pleased to let you know that Swim England have now published their guidance for clubs and pool operators to return to swimming. Guildford City Swimming Club is planning to return to training once the government gives the green light. We are tentively moving towards Monday 6 July.
We along with our pool providers will be carefully considering the guidance and we will also be thoroughly reviewing our risk assessments.
The health and safety of our members and staff is paramount. Our main aim continues to be the creation of a safe environment for you to return to and to enjoy swimming once again.
Returning on 6 July continues to be our plan, but it must be stressed that things can change. We must remain flexible in our approach and make sure all of our members understand our actions. We are very much controlled by the UK Government, Swim England and our pool providers.
Please be patient whilst we finalise all of the details and put in place measures that will safely maximise the number of swimmers within the restrictions imposed and keep both swimmers and staff safe at all times.
We will keep you updated each week; however, it may take slightly longer for pool providers to finalise their plans than previously envisaged, as they need to get their own permissions for opening pools. We therefore still aim to be able to give more detailed information week commencing 22 June.
We are all really excited about the prospect of getting back into the water and we will be putting in a lot of time and effort to enable us to do so. In the meantime, please continue to maintain fitness through our Dry Land training sessions on Facebook Live.
Stay safe everyone.
GCSC Management Team