Swim Camps Application

High Performance Camp / Clinic Booking Form

Please complete one form per swimmer.

No bookings are confirmed until the completed form and full payment are received. Please check the form carefully before sending. Mistakes can delay your application and may mean your child misses out on a space on the clinic.


    I am applying for:-



    Summer Tickover


    1 Camp / Clinic

    clinic/camp name: Date: Time: Cost £:

    2 Camp / Clinic

    clinic/camp name: Date: Time: Cost £:

    3 Camp / Clinic

    clinic/camp name: Date: Time: Cost £:

    4 Camp / Clinic

    clinic/camp name: Date: Time: Cost £:

    5 Camp / Clinic

    clinic/camp name: Date: Time: Cost £:

    6 Camp / Clinic

    clinic/camp name: Date: Time: Cost £:

    Total Cost £ (Required):

    Please enter the total cost of all camps/clinics requested
    Clinics cost £75 each (or £66 each if 6 are booked within one family)

    Please note: No place is guaranteed since we work on a first-come-first-served basis.
    After you submit this form, you will hear from us within seven days to confirm the reservation, or to inform you that the clinic/camp is full.
    If a space is available on the clinic/s or camp/s you have requested then we will send a request for payment to you by email.
    Once you receive an email from us with the word ‘CONFIRMATION’ in the subject headline, you will know that the place is confirmed.
    Please DO NOT send payment until we request it. Thank you

    Swimmers Details

    Name of Swimmer (required)

    First Name Surname

    Date of Birth (required)

    Please confirm year of birth – format yyyy (required)

    Club (required)

    Squad (Guildford City Swimmers only)



    Number of hours of training swimmer undertakes each week (required)

    To find your ASA number please click the link to the ASA website in the box at the top of the page.

    A.S.A. Number (required)

    Parent / Guardian Details Details

    Must be completed for all swimmers under 18.


    First Name Surname

    Relationship to swimmer

    Address (required)

    PostCode (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Second Email: Yahoo emails will go to spam, so please provide a second non-Yahoo email if your main email is with Yahoo.

    Please note that the Club uses email to communicate therefore an up to date email address is essential.
    This must include the email address of the person responsible for payment of fees

    First Mobile Number (required)

    Second (different) Mobile Number (required)

    Please note that we need two different mobile numbers to process your application to comply with our health and safety policy. Your form will be returned to you if incorrectly completed.

    Medical Details

    To be completed by members 18 years or over, or by parent / guardian of swimmers under 18 years old.
    Please select Yes or No as appropriate and complete further details as necessary.

    Do you or you child have any specific medical conditions requiring medical treatment and / or medication?
    If yes, please give details

    Do you or does your child have any allergies?
    If yes, please give details

    Do you or does your child take any regular medication?
    If yes, please give details

    Any other relevant information?
    If yes, please give details

    Refund Policy

    Once a clinic has been confirmed then it becomes unavailable to other swimmers. As a result, we do not offer refunds or credits if swimmers cannot attend their clinic, including due to illness or injury. We will endeavour to refill the places your swimmer cannot attend and if successful will send you a refund upon receipt of your bank details, or (if a GCSC member) via Swim Manager. In order for your booking request to be accepted please confirm that you have read and understood our refund policy.

    I have read and understand Guildford City Swimming Club’s Refund Policy
    YesNo If not checked then this application will not be accepted.

    Parent’s Photography Consent

    Guildford City Swimming Club may wish to take photographs, (individual and in groups) of swimmers under the age of 18. All photos will be taken and published in line with ASA policy.

    Photographs may be taken to use on the club’s secure website, to include with newspaper articles, to use on club notice boards or for video for training purposes. A professional photographer (suitably approved) may take photos at competitions attended.

    Consent given ?

    Signed Date

    Please type your name where a signature is required.


    Payment details will follow receipt of the form, subject to a place being available on the camp / clinic.

    Data Protection Act – Privacy Policy

    In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation 25 May 2018, we will ensure that all information held by the club is accurate, kept up to date and secure and that it is used only in connection with the purpose and activities of the Club. We will hold the data for 3 years after your last contact and then any information will be destroyed.
    The information will be disclosed only to those members of the Club/Swim England for whom it is appropriate and necessary. Swimming England has registered with Data Protection on behalf of member Clubs counties and regions, enabling them to hold personal data of members etc.
    Records are kept on computer / Icloud platforms. Keeping information in this way enables us to run the camps/clinics more efficiently.
    By pressing the ‘submit application’ button you are consenting to Guildford City SC holding your personal data for the purposes of this application as set out above and to give us permission to contact you regarding any future clinics or camps we may run.
    You can request permissions/personal information is deleted before the 3 years by contacting camps.clinics@gcsc.co.uk.

    Application for training camp / clinic

    • I have no objection to information regarding me and / or my children being kept on computer.

    • I confirm that all details completed on this form are correct at this time and Guildford City will be made aware immediately of any changes via the email address below.

    • I agree to transfer full payment and understand that the swimmer’s place will not be confirmed until full payment is received. Please note the payment due date on the email. After this date the place will be offered to the next swimmer on the waiting list.

    Parent’s Name


    Please type your name where a signature is required.


    If you are not a member of Guildford City Swimming Club, please could you tell us how you heard about the swimming camps / clinics run by Guildford City Swimming Club.

    Prove that you are human
