Parent / Guardian Details
Full Name
Relationship to Prospective Applicant
Address (if different from prospective applicant’s address)
Email Address
Mobile Number for use in Emergency
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Post Code
Your Email (required)
Please note that the Club uses email to communicate with its staff and an up to date email address is essential. The Club will not communicate through parent’s email addresses or mobile phones or any other third party.
Home Phone No
I am interested in Voluntary work YesNo
I am interested in Paid work YesNo
I am interested in either Voluntary or Paid work YesNo
Please check out the website for addresses or all the pools we operate from.
a)Surrey Sports Park LTS (hours mainly during morning and afternoon and some evenings – No weekends. YesNo
b)Club Squad Teaching and coaching (mainly evening and weekends). YesNo
c) I am interested in both SSP LTS and Club Squad Teaching. YesNo
e.g. Swimming Teacher / Swimming Coach; other please state:
Please complete the following:
ASA Qualified Coach YesNo If ‘Yes’ please state the level
ASA Qualified Teacher YesNo If ‘Yes’ please state the level
STA Qualified Teacher YesNo If ‘Yes’ please state the level
and expiry date
ASA Aquatic Helper’s Certificate YesNo
Please prove you are human
This form will be sent direct to Janette Smith Human Resources Manager and a “Thank You” email will be sent on receipt. We will then be in touch with further information.
In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation 25 May 2018, we will ensure that all information held by the club is accurate, kept up to date and secure and that it is used only in connection with the purpose and activities of the Club. We will hold the data for 3 years after your last contact or from when you leave the club and then any information will be destroyed. The information will be disclosed only to those members of the Club / Swim England for whom it is appropriate and necessary. Swimming England has registered with Data Protection on behalf of member Clubs, counties and regions, enabling them to hold personal data of members etc. Records are kept on computer / Icloud platforms. Keeping information in this way enables us to run the club more efficiently. By pressing the ‘submit application’ button you are consenting to Guildford City SC holding your personal data for the purposes of this application as set out above and to give us permission to contact you. You can request information is deleted before the 3 years by contacting be