Congratulations to Chief Coach Richard Garfield & Academy Lead Coach Steve Wadey who are both celebrating their 20 year anniversary with Guildford City.
The Club has come so far from those early days. In 1998 Guildford City was ranked 10th in the Surrey County Championships, mired in the second division of the Speedo League (later to become the Arena League) and had 160 members with no financial reserves and no apparent hope of improving. It’s hard to believe that the Club only trained at the Guildford Spectrum with the maximum for the top squad of ten hours per week.
Richard joined the Club in January 1997 as Junior Squad Coach and by May 1998 had been appointed Chief Coach. Steve Wadey was quickly recruited and together they set out a clear vision for change. Hungry for success they challenged the swimmers and parents to dream. Their first target was to be the best club in Surrey! Four years later they had reached their goal and Guildford City were number 1 in the County.
Twenty years on and the Club has surpassed everyone’s wildest dreams. Among the many milestones City have been Surrey’s top club for 15 consecutive years 2004 to 2018, Arena League South Champions for 13 consecutive years 2005 to 2017, National Arena Junior League Champions 3 consecutive years 2014 to 2016 and National Arena League Champions 2016.
Guildford City has put together an amazing team of coaches & teachers. It’s taken many years with many people making significant contributions with the result that we are now recognised as one of the best swimming clubs in Great Britain.
Well done guys ! Happy anniversary ! Without you we wouldn’t be the great organisation that we are today.