GCSC Level 1 Spring Open 2020

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Guildford City Level 1 Spring Open Meet

3rd – 5th April 2020

Surrey Sports Park, Guildford

License Number – 1SE200013

As a swimming club we have very carefully monitored all advice and taken direction from the UK Government, Swim England, British Swimming and our facility providers.

Following on from Swim England’s recent statement outlined below which states:

“The decision has been taken following the Government’s announcement to implement increased social distancing, avoid crowds gathering and carrying out any unnecessary travel. All competitions organised by the national governing body that are scheduled to be held between now and the end of May have been called off.”

We are postponing both our Level 3 Open Meet, scheduled for the weekend of 21st and 22nd March at the Spectrum and our Level 1 Open Meet scheduled over the weekend of  3rd – 5th  April at Surrey Sports Park, until further notice. All entry fees will be refunded in full in due course.

We recognise that this will disappoint many swimmers, but trust that you will appreciate we have not taken this decision lightly.

We would like to thank all those volunteers and officials who have signed up to help at these events and you can be sure we will be in touch once we are in a position to reschedule!

Finally, we wish you and all your families good health over the coming weeks, stay safe and we look forward to welcoming you to future Guildford City SC Meets.

Please contact Claire on gcsc.meets@gmail.com for more information.