News & Media

Feb 20th


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Guildford City Swimming Club is poised to make history during March by winning the George Tinlin Trophy for Top Age Group Club at the Surrey County Championships for the eleventh consecutive year. If it can achieve this amazing feat it will break the current record of ten consecutive years held by both Guildford and Leatherhead Swimming Club. It’s been a very long journey seeing the Club rise from 11th ranked in 1998 to hitting the number one spot in 2004 and staying there for over a decade. In 2013 City won the Top Club award by more points than the next four clubs put together.

Surrey Age Group Championships 2013

George Tinlin Trophy – Top Age Group Club Points

Guildford City 2705.50
Woking 1050.50
Kingston Royals 518.50
Leatherhead 486
Epsom District 455

“We plan to better that result in 2014” stated Chief Coach Richard Garfield. “When Steve Wadey & I took over the poolside management of Guildford City in 1998, our ambition was to build the best club in Surrey and the South East. Our coaches, committee, swimmers & parents have worked tirelessly over the years to achieve that goal. We are extremely proud of everyone involved. “
Steve Wadey continued “In 1998 we had 151 individual swims at the Surreys, while this year we are enjoying a record of 1310 individual entries. In our first year we won 16 total medals, last year we won 313 medals, 142 of which were gold. Things have changed a bit!!”

Surrey Diving for Web 200214